Monday, July 20, 2009
Maximizing Rights with Responsibilities to Enhance Access and Reduce Total Costs
There does need to be a way to reduce costs and the way to do so is a combination of rights and responsibilities related to the development and the care chronic illnesses. It is possible to reduce health care expenditures without rationing and without draconian across the board cuts to providers. Much of the rapid rise in costs is due to the increase in chronic illnesses that last a lifetime and are expensive to treat – heart failure, diabetes with complications, cancer, etc. Over 70% of healthcare costs go to treat these individuals who are only about 15% of the population. And these illnesses are increasing in prevalence as the population ages and as we persist with adverse behaviors such as smoking, over eating, lack of exercise and stress.
Chronic illness should be addressed from two perspectives – coordinating the care of those who are already ill and preventing new illness from occurring. Both will reduce costs and improve the quality of life.
What has become very clear is that chronic illness needs intensive care coordination to prevent unnecessary specialist visits, procedures, tests and even hospitalizations – the source of excess expenditures. Primary care physicians [PCPs] are in the best position to coordinate care but do not do so because they are not reimbursed for the effort. They receive about 5% of the healthcare expenditures but can have a major impact on the other 95%. Changing the reimbursements to PCPs with the proviso that they coordinate care would have an immediate impact.
Workplace wellness programs that offer reductions in health insurance payments in return for healthy behaviors reduce over-all costs and improve the health of the workforce. Safeway, General Mills and others have convincing data on the value of wellness programs. It’s an incentive toward healthier living.
Similarly, insurance policies should have variable rates for behaviors and preventive medicine – not smoking, weight control and obtaining simple screening tests like blood pressure and cholesterol would mean lower premiums.
Combining rights [access to insurance at lesser cost] with responsibilities [live a healthy life style] for patients and rights [increased pay] with responsibilities [coordinate care] for PCPs will have a major impact on the total costs of care and do so quickly.
Praise for Dr Schimpff
The craft of science writing requires skills that are arguably the most underestimated and misunderstood in the media world. Dumbing down all too often gets mistaken for clarity. Showmanship frequently masks a poor presentation of scientific issues. Factoids are paraded in lieu of ideas. Answers are marketed at the expense of searching questions. By contrast, Steve Schimpff provides a fine combination of enlightenment and reading satisfaction. As a medical scientist he brings his readers encyclopedic knowledge of his subject. As a teacher and as a medical ambassador to other disciplines he's learned how to explain medical breakthroughs without unnecessary jargon. As an advisor to policymakers he's acquired the knack of cutting directly to the practical effects, showing how advances in medical science affect the big lifestyle and economic questions that concern us all. But Schimpff's greatest strength as a writer is that he's a physician through and through, caring above all for the person. His engaging conversational style, insights and fascinating treasury of cutting-edge information leave both lay readers and medical professionals turning his pages. In his hands the impact of new medical technologies and discoveries becomes an engrossing story about what lies ahead for us in the 21st century: as healthy people, as patients of all ages, as children, as parents, as taxpayers, as both consumers and providers of health services. There can be few greater stories than the adventure of what awaits our minds, bodies, budgets, lifespans and societies as new technologies change our world. Schimpff tells it with passion, vision, sweep, intelligence and an urgency that none of us can ignore.
-- N.J. Slabbert, science writer, co-author of Innovation, The Key to Prosperity: Technology & America's Role in the 21st Century Global Economy (with Aris Melissaratos, director of technology enterprise at the John Hopkins University).
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